Sector Forum Groups

NZISM operates member-only online sector or focus groups. At the current time these are:

  1. Agriculture
  2. Construction
  3. Governance
  4. Manufacturing
  5. Not For Profit
  6. Transport


Each group is a collaborative network of NZISM members who meet regularly to discuss current developments, issues, initiatives, challenges and learnings. Forum members support each other through the sharing of ideas, best practices and resources. These sessions are not recorded.


All NZISM members are welcome to join a sector forum group relevant to them.

If you would like to join a sector forum group, please email [email protected] and we will happily add you to the group's contact list.


Sector Forum groups meet monthly* and last for up to an hour. They are hosted by our sector leads who each hold senior role in the industry or area they are representing.

Formats may change month to month. Sometimes a special guest may facilitate a deep dive into a particular issue or topic; sometimes a hot topic may be chosen on the day; sometimes the group might brainstorm a particular challenge a member is facing.

* (except Governance which meets bi-monthly)