Thinking strategically GREG DEARSLY says the recently released draft H&S strategy offers much to consider in terms of SMEs, procurement, vulnerable workers, and professional qualifications. ...
A progress update on the HASANZ register of workplace health & safety professionals ...
Turning professional Talented young athletes eventually face a decision about turning professional. SELENA ARMSTRONG says the health & safety profession has reached that stage. ...
More than a job Do you regard your health & safety role as part of a career, or is it just a job? GREG DEARSLY has some advice for the career-minded. ...
Challenging the educators GREG DEARSLY challenges tertiary education institutions offering H&S courses to embrace accreditation and the changing skill set required of H&S practitioners. ...
September 21st & 22nd 2017 at the Devon Hotel, New Plymouth, Taranaki ...
Great to have so many of you already registered, but we still have room for more ...
An exclusive opportunity for HASANZ members ...
Congratulations to Sar ...
New Minister of Workplace Relations & Safety - Iain Lees-Galloway ...
Kia ora koutou katoa members and supporters... Last week marked the move to level 2 for New Zealand and with that a move back into workplaces for some, and for those of us with children, back to school, while we continue to work from home. I have read that to support our wellbeing we should practice gratitude regularly. While this can sometimes be a struggle, especially now for those who may have found themselves out of work, or those having difficulty adjusting to the changes we are experiencing, something I have been doing more recently is looking for silver linings wherever I can. ...
Safety Alert - Repair and Maintenance of high pressure hydraulic hoses.pdf ...
Thank you for joining the Women in Safety Excellence (WISE) network.
We hold various online and face-to-face events throughout the year and if one occurs near you, we would love to meet you in person.
LinkedIn - Please make sure you join our LinkedIn group to stay connected and on top of our planned webinars and events. We encourage you to post anything in the WISE group page that you think other network members would find useful or inspiring. Please don't be shy. The more we reach out, the more we connect with each other, and the more we can help each other on our journeys.
We might send you the occasional email but our web page on the NZISM website is always the best place to go for an overview of what's coming up in the WISE calendar.
Best wishes,
Margaret van Schaik
WISE Chair