What knowledge and skills does a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) need to achieve confidence, success and fulfilment in their role?

With support and funding from WorkSafe, we intend to find out. NZISM and WorkSafe have been working in partnership to outline the capabilities we believe an HSR will need to confidently contribute towards healthier, safer outcomes in their workplace. The expectation is not that HSRs will have these capabilities when they begin their journey but, through development plans, coaching and training, strength in these areas can be built over time.

What we need to do now is seek input from you and your HSRs to see if you think we've got it right.

Why is it so important?

22% of NZISM members started their OHS careers as an HSR - it is the first step on a proven career pathway for those who choose to follow it.

Acknowledging this, the capabilities proposed by NZISM and WorkSafe have been developed from the INSHPO (International Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations) Competency Framework. This means we can align HSR capabilities with those of an NZISM accredited Practitioner or Professional, making career progression smooth and seamless.

The workshops

With your input, these FREE workshops will not only inform but also enable us to test our assumptions. Direct feedback from members and HSRs operating on the frontline provide the opportunity for us to hone our HSR capability proposition.

Join us

We’d love as many members and HSRs to join us as possible.

There are lots of great reasons to engage your HSRs and get them to come with you:

  • Opportunity to network with other HSRs;
  • Benefit from valuable informal training;
  • Get a better picture of what good looks like;
  • Have input into a national knowledge matrix that will have a significant impact on the way we support and train HSRs in the future.

Refreshments will be provided. Please check out the dates and venues and make sure you register in advance.

We look forward to seeing you!

Our thanks to WorkSafe New Zealand for their support and funding of this project.

Dates and venues

Hawke's Bay
Bay of Plenty